Spelling Lessons?
Can someone please tell me what the world has come to when she is teaching our youth to spell?
It started out with Fergalicious, which isn't even a real word. Now it is Glamorous, which at least is a real word. But really, do we need to learn to spell from hip-hop song lyrics? And, if this is where our youth will turn for spelling lessons, can't we pick some better words? How about antidisestablismentarianism? I understand that it may be difficult to fit into a 3 minute and 11 second song, but at least kids will know how to spell it and they may even be driven to dictionary.com to look it up!
How about getting some hip-hop artists to sing a little School House Rock. I, for one, would pay good money for a little Justin Timberlake singing Conjunction Junction. Or, how about Christina Aguilera singing Interplanet Janet? If our children are going to learn from music, let's make sure they get a complete lesson. Hey, maybe the artists will even learn a little something in the process!
At 2:42 PM, Anonymous said…
I'd pay for a little JT too, he doesn't even have to sing.
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