Is Everybody Crazy, or Is it Just Me?

A wife and mother who finds that life is just strange so often!

Friday, November 10, 2006

South Beach Love!

OK, I know that everyone has done the whole diet thing to death, but I have to talk about this. I started the South Beach diet on Monday. I know that it is not a new diet, in fact I did once before. I started on Monday and I am already down 5 pounds. Not too shabby. It is the easiest diet to follow. You can eat until you are full, you get meals and snacks, you can even have dessert! The first two weeks are pretty restrictive on carbs. The only carbs you can have are in veggies. No bread, no pasta, no candy, no sugar, and no booze. I thought it would be much harder than it is, but after a couple of days, I was fine. The other restrictions are on high fat foods. It is kind of a combo between Atkins philosophy and low fat philosophy. It seems to make sense.

I am not a fad dieter. The only fad-like diet I have ever done was the master cleanse (the lemonade diet that Robin Quivers did) which was awesome, but you can't do it while you are nursing. I don't think of South Beach as a fad diet. It was developed by a doctor who was trying to help his patients with heart issues. The diet is more about improving your blood chemistry than about loosing weight. It all revolves around avoiding highly processed foods and eating items that are as close to their natural state as possible. When you think about it, it makes sense. What is healthier, a slice of white bread or a slice of multi-grain bread, an apple or a glass of apple juice? I hope to be able to ride this diet to a new lifestyle, not just for me, but for my family as well. Then maybe I can say goodbye to the fat three kids have put on my ass!
BTW, Rosie is a big influence behind me deciding to do something. If you don't know her, check out her blog, From the Neck Up!


  • At 7:09 PM, Blogger Katie said…

    You are great. I hope you are feeling better these days. I have tried the Ricotta, love it! I am a Tiramisu fan, and this is pretty close.

  • At 3:08 AM, Blogger Mr. A said…

    The South Beach diet sucks!

    It wasn't until Rosie got OFF of that damn thing she started "feeling" healthy.

    She's not going back on it....


    Any regular diet, combined with an EXERCISE program will do wonders beyong the South Beach Diet!

    Any plan where you don't have to exercise to lose weight can not be healthy... Just my take.

    However, keep up the good work.

  • At 6:51 AM, Blogger Katie said…

    Nice to hear from you. I will not stay on any diet if I don't feel healthy. The minute I feel crappy, I am done. I do agree about the exercise, I think it is important on any diet plan.


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